Councilmember Anthony Rocha's Priorities:
- Increasing affordable housing opportunities for our community and creating a path to affordable homeownership.
- Securing funding to repair broken roads and sidewalks.
- Addressing homelessness through rapid-rehousing, permanent supportive housing, shelters, and supportive services.
- Investing in libraries, parks, and expanding recreational opportunities for youth.
- Supporting small businesses and pursuing economic development initiatives that bring career opportunities with competitive wages to our community.
- Supporting a comprehensive plan to combat violence through investing in prevention, intervention, and public safety.
Councilmember Anthony Rocha's Record of Results:
- Secured $20 million for the Boronda Road Widening Project.
- Secured $3.3 million for the complete reconstruction of Independence Boulevard.
- Secured $330,000 for new playground equipment at Steinbeck Neighborhood Park and Natividad Neighborhood Park.
- Allocated $7 million for sidewalk repairs.
- Sidewalks repaired in District 6 include: Lexington Drive, Glendora Way, Pescadero Drive, Emerald Drive, Delancey Drive, and Pennsylvania Drive.
- Allocated $1 million towards a mobile crisis unit to support public safety response.
- Allocated $600,000 for Prevention and Wellness Grants to support community based programs aimed at preventing violence, and strengthening neighborhoods.
- Supported funding for speed bumps on Rainier Drive, and Coventry Street to reduce speeding, and make our neighborhood streets safer.